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Whether you are an experienced or inexperienced web user, connected by a standard modem or by broadband (cable, DSL...), Wysigot is made for you:

What Wysigot can
do for you!

    Would you like to gain time?

    • Wysigot changes your way of browsing
      It checks whether your pages have changed or not, downloads them as a background task and shows you exactly what's new.

    • Organize your sites
      Wysigot organizes them or lets you do it your own way. It allows you to search within the pages, add in notes, edit properties, etc.

    • Get rid of advertising
      They slow downloading time. Put them, once and for all, on the black list and forget about them.

    Are you a careful surfer?

    • Save your favorite sites
      You'll have a copy of your sites, even if they disappear from the web.

    • Protect your PC against viruses
      If you don't trust a site, you can securely look at it by deactivating its JavaScript, ActiveX, cookies, popup windows, etc.

    You have a laptop?

    • Whilst on the move
      Keep an eye on your web pages.
      Any missing links, which you ask for, are marked to be recovered later. As soon as you access the internet, your files are downloaded within minutes!

The 10 best reasons for using Wysigot:

1. Wysigot captures and monitors your favorite sites (web and ftp).

2. Wysigot highlights anything new.

3. Wysigot informs you of anything new (alarms).

4. Wysigot allows you to surf off-line.

5. Wysigot resumes interrupted downloadings, even large files (mp3, zip, avi, exe, etc).

6. Wysigot makes searches within entire sites.

7. Wysigot also monitors and backs up your local and network files.

8. Wysigot manages your favorites (IE).

9. Wysigot does not slow down your PC.

10. Wysigot manages an unlimited number of documents!

Other features
To discover the numerous other features Wysigot offers, click here.

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