- How can I update Wysigot?
manually: just download WysigotInstall.exe (Light version)
or WysigotPlus.exe from our secure page http://www.wysigot.com/int/customers.php.
Use the same file to install Wysigot
for the first time or to update it. Then execute the program
and install Wysigot
in the same folder as before. All your pages and parameters
will of course be preserved.
automatically from Wysigot
"Welcome page" (Plus version only). Wysigot
checks once a week whether a new version is available (by reading
a little file on our server), and if there is one, it offers
you to automatically download the file. Once downloaded in Wysigot's
folder, it is renamed wysigotinstallnew.exe (or wysigotplusnew.exe).
On Wysigot's
next startup, it renames the new file wysigotinstall.exe (or
wysigotplus.exe) and executes the updating. The install file
thus stays in the same folder as wysigot.exe, so that you can
use it to install Wysigot somewhere else, or to re-install it.
- There are "??" in some addresses,
what does this mean?
may have noticed in the other browsers that some pages' addresses
didn't change as the page changes. These pages are using "POST"
method, which means a part of the address is hidden for the
user. Wysigot
always displays the whole address. It allows you to check the
information you submitted, and to manage these pages exactly
like the others.
Warning: the addresses containing "??" cannot be used in Internet
Explorer that doesn't understand them and cannot add them in
the favorites, this notation only belongs to Wysigot.
- Some pages that are correctly
displayed in another browser don't appear in Wysigot, why?
you try to download a page that is unavailable, the server,
if it does exist, returns a "file not found" page,
or goes straight back to home page. Wysigot
doesn't download this useless document because this could overwrite
an old document that is now unfindable. This file's new state
is "not found", but the document is still available
in Wysigot.
- Is it true that offline browsers overload servers?
and no. Yes because downloading a big site will obviously ask
more resources from the server. No because you can select the
links that are relevant for you and only download what you are
really interested in. Moreover, thanks to its powerful updating
tools, Wysigot
only downloads what's useful: new or modified pages.
- I don't trust Internet Explorer, can I block it, and keep
on using Wysigot all the same?
you want to block Internet Explorer and all the spyware that
use its parameters for security reasons (indicate "localhost"
as a proxy), you will still be able to use Wysigot.
doesn't use Internet Explorer for downloadings, but only to
display the pages.
- After recovery of an agent from eCatch, I have some pages
in double, and when I select one from the tree structure, the
other is automatically selected.
is because eCatch did not guarantee that there would be no duplicating.
With Wysigot,
this is no longer the case, except with those which already
exists. It is up to you to decide which one to delete.
- Is a version foreseen for Mac or Linux?
not at present.
- Is Wysigot a SpyWare (spy software)?
does not store nor send information to anyone, except, of
course, the cookies which certain pages save on your computer
(you can refuse them for pages of your choice).
Neither does it allow automatic storage of
e-mail addresses from the pages; we are against spams.
- How do I export a site?
can export a site by using "Export" in the file menu.
(more details can be found in the documentation)
- Is Wysigot eCatch, WebCatch or WebCapture?
their successor.
was planned in order to stick better to the way the web has
evolved and for better management of the continuously increasing
amount of information.
is a totally remodeled version of its predecessor:
- it uses an indexed database which allows addresses
and their parameters to be retrieved instantly, however
many there are.
- it uses Internet Explorer for integrated display, (version
4 minimum), which allows it to manage scripts, flash,
ActiveX etc.
- many improvements
at all levels.
- Can I recover my eCatch/WebCapture agents?
course, it is possible to recover agents from eCatch/WebCapture
by using "Import" in the file menu.
- How many pages or documents can Wysigot manage?
can manage several hundreds of thousands of documents, (4 million),
as well as their attached files (pictures, scripts, flashs,
style sheets), without slowing down.
It even works fast on an ordinary PC.
